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Statement on trademark change of Juxing Kiln

Distinguished customers and partners:

    In order to cooperate with the implementation of the development strategy of Luoyang Juxing kiln Co., LTD. further enhance the brand effect of the company and provide more quality service for our customers. Since May 16, 2020, the brand logo will be updated and the original trademark will cease to be used.

-- Luoyang Juxing kiln Co., LTD


(before change)                                                                       (after change)

Hereby declare:

1. From now on, all internal and external documents, related products, contracts, agreements, business CARDS, publicity websites, posters, advertising and other unified use of the new trademark logo;

2. The contract business signed before the trademark change of the company shall remain valid and the business subject and legal relationship shall remain unchanged. Original business relationship and service commitment remain unchanged;

3. The trademark shall not be used by any subject on any product or service other than the company in a way that may cause confusion or ambiguity among customers, or in any form of misinterpretation or slander;

4. Without the written permission of the company, no entity or individual shall, in any way or for any reason, use, copy, modify, disseminate, transcribe or sell any part of the trademark in combination with other products;

5. The company has the legal trademark right. If any infringement is found, the company reserves the right to further investigate the legal liability. Luoyang Juxing kiln co., ltd. has the final right to interpret the trademark change.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Luoyang Juxing kiln Co., LTD